Just imagine…no more agency fees!

When you’re hiring more regularly, agency fees can really start to rack up. But in the fight for the best talent, you need a far more cost effective solution.

The power of a bespoke careers portal with the flexibility of an on-demand recruitment team

We know that building a successful team takes more than just matching CVs to job descriptions. And when you're recruiting regularly, managing multiple agencies and commercials takes its toll.
Whether you’re hiring for growth or are experiencing some employee churn, our Partner+ model is a winning formula that keeps you firmly in the driving seat, whilst enhancing the your recruitment process.

Say hello to your new recruitment service.

Our Partner+ service operates on a straightforward monthly retainer fee model, designed to provide you with proactive, consistent and dedicated hiring support while delivering significant cost savings.

It's a collaborative partnership designed to streamline your hiring process and ensure you're making the right hires to drive your business forward.

We become your internal, dedicated hiring function and develop a deep understanding of your culture, values, and the type of people that will help you build a winning team. 

We know that one size definitely doesnt fit all when it comes to recruitment.

Built on award-winning tech!

We believe in the power of technology and leverage advanced tools to make the hiring process smoother, transparent and more efficient for everyone involved. 

Our tech of choice is Teamtailor, an award-winning solution that combines a user-friendly Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with powerful employer branding tools. Its intuitive interface simplifies job postings, candidate management, and communication, whilst customisable career sites attract top talent by showcasing your company culture.

We leverage its robust analytics insights to optimise your recruitment strategy, helping you find the best candidates quickly and effectively.


When all-inclusive really does mean ALL-inclusive!

From crafting engaging job listings to expertly screening applications and facilitating seamless interviews, we'll put our heart and soul into every role. Plus, you'll enjoy regular insights into market trends and the assurance that we're always on the lookout for your ideal candidates. All at a fraction of the cost you'd typically pay in agency fees.

Careers Site & ATS Implementation

Working closely with your marketing function, we'll implement your ATS and craft a captivating careers portal that reflects your unique employer brand and which sits perfectly on your company website. It acts as a dedicated home for your talent focused content and job ads and is the first point of contact for potential candidates. It's an enterprise grade applicant tracking system that has all the features you need to recruit (including automated workflows and triggers; candidate pipelines; automated message templates;  interview scheduling; video interviewing and much more) and eliminates manual administrative tasks, allowing HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives and finding the best talent.


Content Creation

By investing in consistent, high-quality human-based content, you create a dynamic, forward-thinking employer brand that stands out in the industry and sets your business up for long-term success. We'll help you create content each month that promotes your business as an awesome place to work. This includes job postings, company culture videos, employee testimonials, social media posts, blogs, and job pages.

Market Insights

Our personalized market insights ensure you are competitive and identify salary ranges, benefits, trends and recruiting activity in your local market.

Job Descriptions

We collaborate with your hiring managers to develop job descriptions that adhere to industry best practices, helping to identify and define the roles your business needs both now and in the future. This process assists line managers in establishing clear roles and core requirements, ensuring that new employees can be effectively managed and integrated into the business once onboarded. The outcome is concise, user-friendly guides that provide candidates with a clear understanding of the role, making it easier for them to grasp their responsibilities and expectations quickly.

Interview Kits

We create interview packs for you and your hiring managers to promote fairness and consistency, ensuring all candidates are asked the same set of relevant questions and evaluated against the same criteria.

Talent Attraction

Your role is presented on our website via a bespoke job page designed to showcase your employer brand – plus we post on job boards as well as LinkedIn and other social channels.

CV Database Searches

We proactively reach out to potential active and passive candidates who have the skills and experience that match the requirements of your job opening.

Talent Pools

We don't just stop at finding you the right candidates for current openings. We turbo-charge your talent attraction and slash time and cost to hire for future roles by building talent pools of high-calibre candidates. This proactive approach ensures that you always have a pipeline of qualified talent ready to step into roles as soon as they become available. By continuously engaging with talented candidates, we reduce the time spent on each recruitment cycle, minimising disruption to your operations. Additionally, building and maintaining these talent pools allows us to respond quickly to your evolving business needs, ensuring you stay agile and competitive. Ultimately, this strategy not only saves you time and money but also strengthens your employer brand, making your company an attractive destination for the best talent in the industry.

Candidate Screening

Every candidate is thoroughly screened via a 30 minute interview to ensure those we present to you are qualified and suitable for the role.

Skills Based Testing

Candidates complete a series of targeted assessments—including practical tasks, problem-solving exercises, and technical tests, designed to measure actual skills and performance potential, allowing you to make more informed, objective, and predictive hiring decisions.

Candidate Shortlisting

We meticulously review and evaluate each candidate against your specific criteria, only submitting those we feel are the best fit.  This rigorous approach allows ust to present you with a curated list of candidates who best match your job requirements and company culture, saving you time as you only spend time considering the most qualified candidates.


We manage all aspects of the interview process from scheduling to follow-up communications, saving you time and delivering an improved candidate experience.

Successful Hires

We secure candidates and negotiate on your behalf in a way that is respectful, transparent, and mutually beneficial, resulting in successful placements and happy long-term relationships.

Onboarding New Hires

We manage and automate your onboarding process through your ATS, including paperwork completion through to training and orientation. Workflows enable automated reminders and key tasks for new hires, hiring managers and HR, and the Teamtailor platform provides various features that enable new hires to interact with their colleagues, such as messaging, chat rooms, and discussion forums.

HR Support

On-demand access to our HR specialists who can assist with various needs, including navigating changes to employment law, handling employee relations, managing compliance issues, updating HR policies and much more.


Our embedded recruitment services operate on a straightforward monthly retainer fee model, designed to provide you with consistent and dedicated hiring support while delivering significant cost savings. Here’s how it works:

Calculation of Fees:

  • Number of Roles: We assess the number of roles you typically recruit for, or are planning to recruit for, over a specified period.
  • Typical Recruitment Fees: We consider the standard recruitment fees you would normally incur, which are based on a contingency (percentage of salary) fee basis.

Using this information, we calculate a monthly retainer fee that covers all recruitment activities within the agreed scope. This fee is designed to be at least 25% cheaper than the total costs you would incur using traditional recruitment agencies on a contingency fee basis.

Interested in exploring a new approach to recruitment?

In just 15 minutes or less we'll know if and how we can help you. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and genuinely passionate about helping you find the right people for your roles and your culture. We're always ready to offer advice and support, so feel free to reach out.